Me, san and chooi yee wanted to have our lunch at sushi zanmai since me n sansan haven tried their food yet..
heard lotz of rave bout sushi zanmai.. san said wanna critisize them 'kau kau' if their food not nice bcuz too much ppl raving bout them ady @.@ .. eeyer.. so scary..
kaka anywayz.. it was not really packed *luckily* at that time, so we dun have to queue up. Got our seats and flip through the menu instantly..
The menu is almost 85% the same as rakuzen's menu except that they have very very limited zen, which means set in japanese. and also another major difference is their price...
I used to wander how can they have almost the same menu but zanmai's price are all almost half the price of rakuzen's. They r under the same headquarters summore le.. @.@
BUT, its true.. Cheap price doesnt means its really 'cheap' if u noe wat i mean..
BCUZ... they cut the price into half, the serving aso they cut half T.T
where can liddat....... sobz...
i was contemplating between the unagi lunch box which is ard RM15++ or salmon sashimi lunch box which is RM 9.90. U think itz cheap?? think again cuz the bowl they use to serve is onli the size of our bowl of rice (mayb even smaller T.T) with 5 pieces of EXTREMELY THIN SLICE of salmon. T.T T.T T.T T.T
i ordered another of my favouritiezzz, chuka idako ( seasoned baby octopus) i noe lotzzzz of u out there dun like.. i used to hate this too.. but after trying it again, i FELL IN LOVE WITH IT :D haha.. The baby octopus they serve was not bad just average..
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