I will do the updates since Xtine is so lazyyy, you watch out! So last Saturday we had class gathering at Tony Roma's, The curve on the 19th of July 2008. It was quite awesome though, still okay. Spent damn a lot on that day itself, die lar! Already so broke, still need to spend till I burn a big big hole in my own pocket. DAMN!
Somehow, I just feel this picture should look better than it is. Trust me, it doesn't look that suckie in reality. Chocolate Sundae Avalanche Martinis - RM12.90; chocolate brownies with chocolate syrup and scoop of vanilla ice-cream.
Onion ring, Xtine's all time favourite! - Okie, so shit! Forgotten the price. More or less about RM12.90 too. *she loves the sauce!*
Tony Roma's is okay, I won't say it is heavenly but not too bad also. And I personally feel the price i slightly too expensive, not so reasonable. ~ A shop more to American style~
Hi, I'm Xtine and San here. We love complimenting and of course, criticising food. Our moto is 'live to eat, eat to live'. Blog post with black wordings represent Xtine while other colours represent San. If mixed, that means both the food noobies. Sorry if we exaggerated certain part. We blog whenever we have food journey or expedition. For more enquiries,add us at xtinesan@hotmail.com or email us. =D
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